TIME magazine awards FoEME Heroes of the Environment 2008 |
Time magazine has chosen FoEME's 3 Directors, Nader Khateeb (Palestinian Director), Munqeth Mehyar (Jordanian Director) and Gidon Bromberg (Isreali Director) as this year's Heroes of the Environment 2008!
TIME correspondent, Andrew Lee Butters writes that "FoEME understands that the road to sustainability, like the road to peace, is going to be a slow, messy human project of community organizing, education and trust-building..." and that FoEME's projects "encourage local leaders to reach out across conflict lines and make contact for the first time with local politicians on the other side... a step toward creating an atmosphere of trust and respect that serves the broader goal of peace."
Click HERE for the article (and not on the icon under the cover photo on the right).
Will the Jordan River Keep on Flowing? |
This article from the Yale University's Environment 360 magazine describes the massive withdrawals for irrigation, rapid population growth, and a paralyzing regional conflict that have all led to the draining of nearly all the water from this fabled river.
Nature, Agriculture and the Price of Water in Israel |
The amount of water used by agriculture in Israel is directly proportional to the price farmers pay for water. This paper calls for a rethinking of the social priorities in Israel and seeks to advance public debate on the rehabilitation of ecological systems.
Crossing the Jordan |

Concept Document to Rehabilitate, Promote Prosperity and Help Bring Peace to the Lower Jordan River Valley.
This concept document is not the end product but rather the start of a regional effort to raise awareness, educate and influence decision makers, the media and the public at large as to the current demise of the Lower Jordan River.
Israel Horizons - Demise of the Jordan River |

Extracted article from the Winter 2006 edition of Israel Horizons magazine, about the Demise of the Lower Jordan River Valley and how a looming ecological disaster may foster Mideast cooperation.
Brochure - Let the Jordan River Flow |

This brochure, with photos, map, and a short description of the Jordan River Valley opens up to an overview explaining the natural and cultural highlights of the Lower Jordan River Valley, the threats facing the river, and Friends of the Earth Middle East's recommendations.
Poster - Let the Jordan River Flow |

This poster calls for the rehabilitation of the Jordan River - NOW!
It has been produced in Hebrew and Arabic as well.