Economic Valuation of Resuscitating the Dead Sea |
This study investigates the non-market economic value of conservation of the Dead Sea basin using stated and revealed preference studies. Study results indicate that all 3 local populations are willing to pay to preserve the cultural and environmental heritage of the region.
Advancing Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Dead Sea Basin - Broadening the Debate on Economic and Management Issues |

Part One: An Economic Analysis of Different Water Uses Affecting the Dead Sea Basin
Part Two: Sustainable Management of Dead Sea Basin Water Resources - A Comparative Analysis with North American Experience
WorldWatch: Vision for a Sustainable World - Water and Peace |

For clues to resolving the Middle East conflict, consider the case of the embattled Dead Sea.
Excerpted from the July/August 2004 WORLD WATCH Magazine
The Dead Sea - Between Life and Death, Learning from Other Lakes |

Proceedings of two parallel conferences in Ein Bokek, Israel and Amman, Jordan.
The two conferences brought together the experience of similar lakes from around the world. The institutional structures in place for the management of saline and/or terminal lakes were presented with an emphasis on basins that cross political boundaries.
Let the Dead Sea Live |

This brochure describes the wonders of the Dead Sea, the environmental degradation of the sea, and suggestions for taking action.
Let the Dead Sea Live |

Concept Document towards the Dead Sea Basin Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Listing.
This report has been presented to the public and to political decision makers both regionally and internationally in order to gain further support for the concept and to lobby the Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian authorities to register the Dead Sea Basin as a Biosphere Reserve with UNESCO.
Dead Sea Challenges |

This report highlights the rapid pace of development around the Dead Sea and stresses the need to address environmental concerns resulting from these developments.
The report is the culmination of two public meetings held in Tel-Aviv and Amman on the Future of the Dead Sea. It concludes that since the Dead Sea is a single ecosystem, there is an urgent need to develop an overall strategy and master plan for the Dead Sea, irrespective of national borders.
This publication is not available on-line. Please write to [email protected] if you wish to receive it.
One Basin - One Strategy |

Final Report - Symposium on Promoting an Integrated Sustainable Regional Development Plan for the Dead Sea Basin.
The report includes summaries of presentations and discussions, as well as annexes including a brief version of a project proposal for an integrated development plan for the basin, and a concept paper presenting the idea of establishing a jointly managed "free tourism area" in the north of the Dead Sea which would include open borders.