Visit our new page with a compilation of short videos featuring FoEME in our own, and in news items video clips...
"Sustainable Development in the Ziglab Basin" features the development of FoEME's growing Eco-Park in the Sheikh Hussein community in Jordan, as well as the water and land degradation issues facing the Jordan Valley in general. Created by a FoEME intern, the video is first in a series to be launched on YouTube that will both highlight regional environmental hazards as well as FoEMEs efforts to advance both sustainable regional development and the creation of necessary conditions for lasting peace in our region.
The Current Gidon Bromberg: Peace through Environmental Activism
by International Festival of Arts & Ideas in collaboration with the Yale World Fellows Program;
In the spirit of connecting art with ideas, the Ideas Series explores a current struggle to bridge cultural divides between Israelis, Jordanians and Palestinians. The video features Gidon Bromberg, director of EcoPeace / Friends of the Earth Middle East, Shimon Anisfeld and Alan Plattus for a discussion about their work to revitalize the Jordan River through the establishment of a Peace Park in the Jordan River Valley and their belief that environmental activism can promote peace.ý
The Current Green MidEast Peace
This video features a cross border youth activity in the Israeli community of Ein Gedi, bringing together Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian youth from other participating Good Water Neighbors project. At this workshop, they learned how to build a constructed wetland using a natural filtration process to recycle waste water. The youth here tell of their experience of meeting and working together with other students from the region.
TIME Magazine The Jordan River Needs Resurrecting
The rivers pollution and decline have had profound social and environmental consequences for the Jordan Valley. This video was later followed with Time Magazine awarding FoEME as Environmental Heroes 2008.
Australian Broadcasting Company River Jordan
Scroll to bottom of article for video viewing options
ABC News $5B Plan: Canal from Red Sea to Dead Sea
The written article also includes two videos about the challenges facing the Dead Sea, its rate of decline and the controversial project to bring in water to the Dead Sea dubbed the Red Dead Canal.