Affiliations & Partnerships
In addition to our own projects, FoEME plays an active role in the following international environmental organizations.
Friends of the Earth Middle East is an affiliate member of Friends of the Earth International, one of the world’s largest federations of environmental organizations with representative offices in over 70 countries throughout the world. FoEI organizations campaign internationally, nationally and locally on important environmental issues. Each organization sets its own agenda and priorities independently and voluntarily chooses to work in concert with FoEI affiliates on selected global issues.
FoEME is an active member organization in MIO-ECSDE, a federation of Mediterranean NGOs for the environment and development, headquartered in Athens, Greece.
Living Lakes is an international network and partnership whose mission is to enhance the protection, restoration and rehabilitation of lakes, wetlands, other freshwater bodies of the world and their catchment areas. FoEME is a member of this international network with the Dead Sea registered as the partner Lake.
The Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP) is a coalition of non-government organizations working to build a genuine and sustained peace in the Middle East through people-to-people programs promoting mutual respect, cooperation and understand between Jews and Palestinians, Israeli and Arabs.
FoEME has special consultative status with ECOSOC, the U.N. body under the authority of the General Assembly, that coordinates the economic and social work of the U.N. and its large family of specialized and affiliated institutions.
Based out of Nairobi, Kenya, the Environmental Liaison Center International is a base for sharing of information among organizations active in environmental protection.
FoEME has recently partnered with The Sue and Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary Judaic Studies of the University of Miami in an effort to explore joint programs in the Middle East region, including public health issues and conflict resolution between Israelis and Palestinians.
The MAP is a regional cooperative effort involving 21 countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, including Israel. Through the Mediterranean Action Plan, these Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols are determined to meet the challenges of protecting the marine and coastal environment while boosting regional and national plans to achieve sustainable development.
Life and Environment is coordinating the joint initiative of environmental and social NGOs to participate in and monitor the process of drafting an Israeli strategy for sustainable development (Agenda 21). The Tel Aviv office of FoEME is a member NGO in this initiative.
The Palestinian-Israeli Peace NGO Forum is a network of Palestinian and Israeli NGOs working towards peaceful relations. As strength is found in numbers, the Forum, by uniting more than 100 organizations, validates and reinforces the efforts of the various Peace NGOs both independently and mutually. The Tel Aviv and Bethlehem offices of FoEME are member NGOs.
The Netzkraft movement is a new international network of persons and groups who commit themselves – socially, politically, ecologically or spiritually – to a basic consensus of three common objectives: to create an international body for peace, human rights and environment within the United Nations; sustainable ecological-social economic development; and decentralization of political power.
* Green Pilgrimage Network
In the context of FoEME’s Jordan River rehabilitation project’s Faith-Based Advocacy program, we are partnering with the Green Pilgrimage Network (GPN), a new global network of Green pilgrim cities and sacred sites of all faiths. The GPN, a project of the Alliance of Religions and Conservation, fosters a vision of pilgrims on all continents, and the pilgrim cities that receive them, leaving a positive footprint on the Earth.